My friend Heidi (Team Edward) is a die-hard Twilight fan; has read the books numerous times, checks their websites daily and even wrote into Oprah to attempt to join her in her audience when the cast was there. I have read half of the first book and Heidi tried to get me to read New Moon and I just wasnt motivated. I got more pleasure out of hearing her version of the books and give me all the spoilers!
I never got anxious for the next movie to come out...until now. I saw Eclipse with Heidi and her sister Emily (also Team Edward) and it was an experience. There was more sarcasm, sexual tension, back story and less cheese, in my mind. Oh, and tons of warewolves running around shirtless, never a bad thing. During these moments, I was leaning more towards Team Jacob but there's something about those Vampires that intriques a girl. (takes me back to my childhood with Brad Pitt & Interview with a Vampire).

I hope everyone goes out and sees the movies and comment about your Eclipse experience! Thanks :)
Great post! Team Edward all the way!